The table below highlights data on the number of travelers using three major German airports between 2007 and 2012

The table illustrates the data on the number of travelers using three major German airports, namely Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin Tegel, during 2007 and 2012. Overall, the passengers in these three airports seemed to increase remarkably in the period of five years and Frankfurt airport was the most popular at the end.
In the first year, 2007, the visitors travelling at Dusseldorf stood at 27.2 millions, then this number significantly climbed up to 48.2 millions of travellers over the next two years. However, this did not last too long since in the next year, the quantity of passengers suddenly dropped by 32.2 millions in 2011 before growing up to 45.5 in 2012.
At Frankfurt, the number of travellers experienced a dramatic increase, which was double compared to the beginning, up from 36.5 to approximately 69.3 millions in 2000. Similarly, Berlin Tegel also rised by about 26% in 4 year-period, which reached 43.3 and continually remained constant during the next 2 years.

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