The table below shows expenditures on advertising of four car companies in the UK in 2002 Press Renault Rover Types of advertising millions of dollars

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The table below shows expenditures on advertising of four car companies in the UK in 2002.
Types of advertising (millions of dollars)

The table illustrates the fees that four car companies namely Renault, Rover, Vauxhall and Cetirizine spent on advertising in the UK in the year of 2002.

Overall, Renault was the company paying the highest advertising money, whereas Vauxhall was the smallest figure in the period.

It can be seen from the table that although Cetirizine and Rover paid the same amount of money for advertising, Rover noticed more on the press with 38 million dollars while Cetirizine had only 12 million dollars. Cetirizine focused on TV by paying 70 million dollars, meanwhile Rover spent only 45 million dollars on TV.

In 2002, the data of Renault spending on Press and TV were about 45 and 59 million dollars. Besides, the company's expenditures on cinema, outdoor and radio at a lower rate than other companies. Vauxhall spent the same money as other companies on radio and they noticed more on TV with 65 million dollars

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