The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now and plans for its development Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The map provides information about the changes in the small town of Islip at present and after renovation in the future.

Looking from the overall perspective, in the future the town will have more buildings than at present, along with dual carriageway facilities.
At present, on the northern side, there are only buildings with shops, which will be changed in the dual carriageway. Opposite of it, there will be some new buildings of bus stations, shopping centres and car parks will be constructed. Main road will be changed to pedestrians, while shops will be remained same. On the southern side, two new buildings with housing will be built, with a park on the southern side. Behind the dual carriageway, schools and housing will be in the same place

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