What is your view on the idea that it takes failure to achieve to success?
‘Failure is the path to successes is an old saying but it holds true even in today’s modern and fast-paced world. Some argue that failure is essential for attaining success in life, while others believe that one can be highly successful without going through a failure phase. This essay will discuss that failing is crucial to achieving success before jumping to conclusion.
Success is the result of bad experiences in life. The path to success is filled with difficulties and hurdles. Bad experiences in life teach many valuable lessons and to be successful, it is imperative to learn from the mistakes and avoid them in the future. The most celebrated personalities in the world have failed multiple times. For example, Jack Ma, the owner of the most prominent online shopping website in the world failed a lot of times. He was rejected for the job at KFC, but he didn’t lose hope and learned from his mistakes. Today, he is one of the wealthiest persons on this planet. Therefore, failure is an indispensable part of an individual’s life.
Some people believe that failure is not essential to achieve success. In this modern era of social media, some people have become highly successful and gained popularity overnight by performing some acts. Hence the belief that bad experience may not be essential to achieve great heights in life.
Overall, the success of an individual comes from his mistakes in life. By learning from bad experiences, human beings can achieve big things in life.
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2024-11-16 | Rafia Jawad | 77 | view |
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Grammar and spelling errors:
Message: Did you forget a comma after a conjunctive/linking adverb?
Suggestion: Hence,
...rity overnight by performing some acts. Hence the belief that bad experience may not ...
Transition Words or Phrases used:
but, hence, if, may, so, therefore, while, for example
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Performance on Part of Speech:
To be verbs : 14.0 10.5418719212 133% => OK
Auxiliary verbs: 4.0 6.10837438424 65% => OK
Conjunction : 8.0 8.36945812808 96% => OK
Relative clauses : 5.0 5.94088669951 84% => OK
Pronoun: 16.0 20.9802955665 76% => OK
Preposition: 38.0 31.9359605911 119% => OK
Nominalization: 1.0 5.75862068966 17% => More nominalizations (nouns with a suffix like: tion ment ence ance) wanted.
Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 1268.0 1207.87684729 105% => OK
No of words: 251.0 242.827586207 103% => OK
Chars per words: 5.05179282869 5.00649968141 101% => OK
Fourth root words length: 3.98032404683 3.92707691288 101% => OK
Word Length SD: 2.84315361593 2.71678728327 105% => OK
Unique words: 141.0 139.433497537 101% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.561752988048 0.580463131201 97% => OK
syllable_count: 396.9 379.143842365 105% => OK
avg_syllables_per_word: 1.6 1.57093596059 102% => OK
A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by:
Pronoun: 4.0 4.6157635468 87% => OK
Article: 4.0 1.56157635468 256% => Less articles wanted as sentence beginning.
Subordination: 1.0 1.71428571429 58% => OK
Conjunction: 1.0 0.931034482759 107% => OK
Preposition: 2.0 3.65517241379 55% => More preposition wanted as sentence beginning.
Performance on sentences:
How many sentences: 16.0 12.6551724138 126% => OK
Sentence length: 15.0 20.5024630542 73% => The Avg. Sentence Length is relatively short.
Sentence length SD: 32.4936892912 50.4703680194 64% => OK
Chars per sentence: 79.25 104.977214359 75% => OK
Words per sentence: 15.6875 20.9669160288 75% => OK
Discourse Markers: 3.375 7.25397266985 47% => More transition words/phrases wanted.
Paragraphs: 4.0 4.12807881773 97% => OK
Language errors: 1.0 5.33497536946 19% => OK
Sentences with positive sentiment : 10.0 6.9802955665 143% => OK
Sentences with negative sentiment : 6.0 2.75862068966 217% => Less negative sentences wanted.
Sentences with neutral sentiment: 0.0 2.91625615764 0% => More facts, knowledge or examples wanted.
What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?
Coherence and Cohesion:
Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.174200489013 0.242375264174 72% => OK
Sentence topic coherence: 0.0672828763394 0.0925447433944 73% => OK
Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.0671011496611 0.071462118173 94% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence: 0.123731760244 0.151781067708 82% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0624691388422 0.0609392437508 103% => OK
Essay readability:
automated_readability_index: 10.2 12.6369458128 81% => Automated_readability_index is low.
flesch_reading_ease: 56.25 53.1260098522 106% => OK
smog_index: 3.1 6.54236453202 47% => Smog_index is low.
flesch_kincaid_grade: 9.1 10.9458128079 83% => OK
coleman_liau_index: 11.71 11.5310837438 102% => OK
dale_chall_readability_score: 8.53 8.32886699507 102% => OK
difficult_words: 66.0 55.0591133005 120% => OK
linsear_write_formula: 8.0 9.94827586207 80% => OK
gunning_fog: 8.0 10.3980295567 77% => OK
text_standard: 8.0 10.5123152709 76% => OK
What are above readability scores?
Rates: 65.0 out of 100
Scores by essay e-grader: 58.5 Out of 90
Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.