Some people prefer to work for a large company Other prefer to work for a small company Which would you prefer Use specific reasons and details to support your choice

People are divided into two types. Some of them enjoy working in small companies while others prefer big ones. Personally, even the thought of working for a little company seems repulsive to me. I feel this way for two reasons which I will explore in the following essay.

First of all, should one work for a small company, he will probably end up repeating the same tasks over and over again with no variations. In other words, not only do large companies offer different tasks every day but they also provide their employees with considerably more opportunities for career growth. My personal experience is a compelling example of this. Some years ago, when I worked for a local shipping company I was required to complete the same tasks and handle the same problems every single day. Needless to say, I did not get the chance to gain experience and my career growth became stagnant. In contrast, when I landed a job in a big international shipping company my days at work changed radically. Not only was I requested to deal with different situations every single day which made my job exciting rather than dull and mundane but also I was given the opportunity to get promoted to higher positions.

Secondly, in a large company people get the chance to meet new people and broaden their circle of acquaintances. To be more specific, in huge corporations there is a huge number of employees working , but also employees change constantly since some of them quit their jobs and others get their positions. In this way, you will never work with the same people. For instance, when I worked as a programmer for a big international IT company I made many friends working in the same field as I did and these relationships benefited us both in the long run. When I lost my job these people with whom I was working in the past helped me to find another one soon. Were I to work in a small company, it would have been more difficult to land a good job since I would have much fewer people that could recommend me to some employers or give me advice about how to pass successfully an interview with my future manager.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that working in a huge company proves to be considerably more beneficial compared to working in a tiny company. This is because not only do large companies offer their workers better career prospects and enable them to gain relevant knowledge but they also help them meet new people and handle various tasks.

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