Nowadays it is very popular to be technology internet literate Some people say that these skills will replace the use of books as main source of information and entertainment Do you agree or disagree

In this day and age, with the rapid development of the Internet as well as technological devices, people prefer reading electronic books to gain more profound knowledge rather than printed ones. Therefore, many people think that traditional books will no longer be popular in the future. From my perspective, I partly agree with this opinion due to various reasons.

It is undeniable that e-books bring numerous advantages to readers. Firstly, citizens can save a great deal of time by using technological devices and the Internet . In particular, they get information about the topics they are concerned about. As a result, they do not go to bookstores and wait in a long queue to purchase books. Furthermore, digital books not only permit people to approach the lastest sources of knowledge. Apparently, it has a fast transmission speed which updates news to readers automatically. Thus, citizens do not have to wait until the publish time.

However, printed books are an indispensable part of citizen's life. To be more specific, it is approriate for all ages from the younger to the elderly. It is straightforward for these groups of people to get access to the acknoledgement in a wide range of topics without any assistance. For example, old people who find it difficult to utilise the Internet for reading purposes tend to choose tradition books and instead online ones. Moreover, the accuracy of content are guaranted by authorities. Before being published, traditonal books are authentic to ensure the information which are brought in to the public are highly reliable. Hence, this prevents readers from misunderstanding as well as .

To conclude, although it is convenient for people to read online books due to its advantages, I still hold the belief that there is a large number of people who are willing to get exposure to conventional books which can be seen as official materials for education because of their accessibility and accuracy.

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