In 1930 75 of the labour force in the USA was employed in farming fishing and foresting whileonly 10 worked in sales and office and trade At the same time both the Industrial sector and thetechnical sector constituted just 2 of the workforce each T

The line graph illustrates the number of Americans who were employed during a time period of eighty years starting from 1930 and ending in 2010.

Overall, the industrial sector experienced the fastest growth and by the end of 2010, almost 38 percent of people worked in this sector. In contrast, the farming, fishing, and forecasting sector, although in 1930 employed nearly 80 percent of the Americans, at the end of 2010 that percentage has plummeted to 2 percent roughly.

With respect to the technical and industrial sectors, these are the two fastest-growing areas. They started in 1930 and 1940 at around 1 percent and increased dramatically to nearly 35 percent and 37 percent accordingly in 2010.

One the other hand, the sales and office, and the other services sectors are the two areas, which fluctuated a little but at the end of the time period remained at the same percentage as the one they were at the beginning.

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