The diagram below shows changes in modes of transport chosen by travellers in a Europen country from 1950 to 1990

The given bar chart reveals the information on European travellers shift in mode of transport in years 1950-1990.
It is shown in the chart that in the year 1950 maximum travellers that is 40% walked in the journey, around 32% used bikes, almost 21% used bus, while only 7% used cars for traveling. This scenario changed and showed a clear shift in the year 1970, where 32% public travelled by bus, followed by 28% in cars, bike was rode by 22% and 18% preferred to walk.
However, in the year 1990 dependency on car for traveling was highest as 65% used cars while 9-10% people relied on foot and bike to travel and 17% made use of bus.
Finally, the graph depicts that a clear rise is seen in travellers using car from the year 1950 to 1990 while number of people who walked in the journal observed a fall.

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