The ghraph below shows the three different kinds of emission source oil coal gas of greenhouse gas in the UK Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The bar chart gives information about how much Carbon emissions were released from three fossil fuels by UK citizens, including gas, oil, and coal, over a 20-year period.
It is clearly seen that gas emissions witnessed an increase, meanwhile, discharge from oil showed a downward trend and that from coal fluctuated between 1990 and 2010.
Gas was the least emissions emitted by British people in 1990, which stood at more than 200 million tons. However, this figure gradually rose and reached about 330 million tons and became the most emissions at the end of the period. In terms of coal discharge, although it was the highest emission in 1990 with about 310, the figure significantly fell to just around 190 million tons in 2010.
In contrast, carbon emissions from oil began at more than 250 million tons and showed a fluctuation until 2000. After that, it slowly declined to roughly 200 million tons in 2010.

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