Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives Which viewpoint do you agree with

In today’s world, advertisement has become a powerful tool for marketing a product. While some believe that the advertisements may develop the living standard, others think the advertisement influence people to buy unnecessary things. In my opinion, the advertisements are useful as it improves the country economy and improve our lives.

Advertisement helps us to learn about new products. Customers use this opportunity to understand, compare the new product features, quality and cost before they purchase it. Advertisement plays a key role in developing the country economy. For example, China is pioneer in marketing electronic products across the world. A recent survey shows that China economy has boost up 15% compared to last year GDP. This is achieved through increasing number of in-country new products advertised and purchased by the people across the world. Although, there are multiple competitor in the market, the new products manufactured from China are preferred by many people because of their unique advertisements.

Technology development has created a major impact in advertisements. For example, Google and Facebook are the giant technology company has invested a lot in advertisements. With the technology, they promote the new products and made our life much easier and faster. Online shopping is one of the successful marketing strategy to quote. Customers can shop online any new products launched in market through smart phones or computer. This type of marketing strategy was attracted by lot of people because they don’t have to queue up in shop and waste their valuable time. Instead they can more quality time with their friends and family members.

In a nutshell, advertisements are very useful to increase the country economy and it helps people to improve the life by choosing the right products they need with lesser time and complexities.

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