The table illustrates the population size of 10 major countries in the year 2010 and 2100 The figures demonstrate a clear increase in population size in 2100 compared to 2010

The tables depict the population of ten countries in 2010 and 2100.

Overall, China had dominance over the nine countries in the past, while it is predicted that India will be the most populated country in the upcoming years,

In 2010, China had the population of 1341 million, which was highest among all the ten countries, whereas India was second highly populated country (1225 million). Meanwhile, the population of USA and Indonesia was 310 and 240 million, respectively. The remaining six countries were found to have less than 200 million population.

The predictions are being made that in the twenty second century India will be highly populated with rise of 300 million in the statistics, and China will have a fall in population making it on second position. A huge rise will be faced by the population of Nigeria from 158 to 730 million by the year 2100. Countries like Tanzania, Congo, and Philippines would be replacing Bangladesh, Russia, and Japan as per the population forecast.

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