The chart andgraph below give information about participants who have enteredthe Olympics since it began Summarise the information by selecting and reporting on the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The given bar chart illustrates the number of male and female Olympic athletes from 1924 to 2012. The line chart also gives the number of participants throughout the period.

Overall, it is clear that the male participants experienced the highest proportion participating in Olympics than female participants, though both genders climbed over the years.

In 1924 and 1952, the number of female athletes touched the low point under 1,000 whereas the number of male athletes increased steadily from 3,000 to near 5,000. It was not until 1984 the number of female athletes witnessed a sharp growth in the Olympics Games, just over 1,000 participants to reached nearly 5,000 participants, compared to approximately 6000 male participants.

The line graph demonstrated the number of participants in the Games. There was an upward trend in the first three periods. Between 1924 to 1984, from 3000 to above 5000 respectively and hit the highest point of beyond 10000 participants.

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