: Many countries use fossil fuels such as coal or oil as the main resources of energy. However, in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy is encouraged. Do you think it is positive or negative developement.
As fossil fuels increasingly adverse environmental effects caused global warming, common sources of alternative energy arise in many countries as a solution for rising demand, but it is also posing a number of drawbacks. I believe that benefits outweigh the challenges.
On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why alternative energy powers are beneficial. Firstly, forms of energy are eco-friendly such as wind, solar power, which cut down on carbon emission to air pollution. As these problems of climate changes and poor air quality are tackled increasingly using renewable energy, human activities are also less affected as well. Secondly, in terms of sustainability, as reducing the reliance on fossil fuels which are non-renewable, alternative forms of energy renewable which offer boundless energy sources in the long-term. At the same time, because of its dependable resources operated by people, so jobs are also created which improves living standard in the locality.
On the other hands, beside of aforementioned benefits, it also has many negative consequences of increasing reliance on alternative energy sources. Generating forms of alternative energy relating the nuclear power, wind or solar power costs a fortune because of applying expensive technological systems which could be a financial burden for the poverty in particular and adverse effects on the economy in general. Moreover, other concerns related to meet a demand for the system. Actually, alternative power totally relies on weather condition, and in some unexpected worse cases could be happened, which is difficult in affording efficient resources for households or companies, leading to the adverse economy. Besides, its requirement for huge capacity land for building an alternative power system which affects on landscape and natural habitat in the region.
In conclusion, although it has both many pros and cons for alternative power, I suppose that the government should take it into consideration to make sure the long-term benefits for the environment.
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Transition Words or Phrases used:
actually, also, besides, but, first, firstly, if, moreover, second, secondly, so, well, i suppose, in conclusion, in general, in particular, such as, on the other hand
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Performance on Part of Speech:
To be verbs : 11.0 13.1623246493 84% => OK
Auxiliary verbs: 3.0 7.85571142285 38% => OK
Conjunction : 8.0 10.4138276553 77% => OK
Relative clauses : 9.0 7.30460921844 123% => OK
Pronoun: 11.0 24.0651302605 46% => OK
Preposition: 39.0 41.998997996 93% => OK
Nominalization: 9.0 8.3376753507 108% => OK
Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 1742.0 1615.20841683 108% => OK
No of words: 314.0 315.596192385 99% => OK
Chars per words: 5.54777070064 5.12529762239 108% => OK
Fourth root words length: 4.20951839842 4.20363070211 100% => OK
Word Length SD: 3.04027390984 2.80592935109 108% => OK
Unique words: 186.0 176.041082164 106% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.592356687898 0.561755894193 105% => OK
syllable_count: 574.2 506.74238477 113% => OK
avg_syllables_per_word: 1.8 1.60771543086 112% => OK
A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by:
Pronoun: 4.0 5.43587174349 74% => OK
Article: 0.0 2.52805611222 0% => OK
Subordination: 5.0 2.10420841683 238% => Less adverbial clause wanted.
Conjunction: 2.0 0.809619238477 247% => Less conjunction wanted as sentence beginning.
Preposition: 7.0 4.76152304609 147% => OK
Performance on sentences:
How many sentences: 13.0 16.0721442886 81% => Need more sentences. Double check the format of sentences, make sure there is a space between two sentences, or have enough periods. And also check the lengths of sentences, maybe they are too long.
Sentence length: 24.0 20.2975951904 118% => OK
Sentence length SD: 62.259525542 49.4020404114 126% => OK
Chars per sentence: 134.0 106.682146367 126% => OK
Words per sentence: 24.1538461538 20.7667163134 116% => OK
Discourse Markers: 12.8461538462 7.06120827912 182% => OK
Paragraphs: 4.0 4.38176352705 91% => OK
Language errors: 0.0 5.01903807615 0% => OK
Sentences with positive sentiment : 7.0 8.67935871743 81% => OK
Sentences with negative sentiment : 4.0 3.9879759519 100% => OK
Sentences with neutral sentiment: 2.0 3.4128256513 59% => OK
What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?
Coherence and Cohesion:
Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.176655417509 0.244688304435 72% => OK
Sentence topic coherence: 0.0602960201528 0.084324248473 72% => OK
Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.050431028276 0.0667982634062 75% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence: 0.107520712315 0.151304729494 71% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0501002913533 0.056905535591 88% => OK
Essay readability:
automated_readability_index: 16.8 13.0946893788 128% => OK
flesch_reading_ease: 30.2 50.2224549098 60% => OK
smog_index: 11.2 7.44779559118 150% => OK
flesch_kincaid_grade: 15.0 11.3001002004 133% => OK
coleman_liau_index: 15.21 12.4159519038 123% => OK
dale_chall_readability_score: 10.31 8.58950901804 120% => OK
difficult_words: 109.0 78.4519038076 139% => OK
linsear_write_formula: 12.0 9.78957915832 123% => OK
gunning_fog: 11.6 10.1190380762 115% => OK
text_standard: 12.0 10.7795591182 111% => OK
What are above readability scores?
Rates: 89.8876404494 out of 100
Scores by essay e-grader: 8.0 Out of 9
Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.