Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.
Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.
The issue presented here is on the government funding of art. some people believe the funding is needed to make sure that art is always able to be created. In opposition some hold the belief that government funding takes away the integrity of the arts. I hold the belief that government funding is needed to continue the practice of the arts.
To begin, art programs across the country have faced cuts as school budgets are no longer able to support them. many public and private institutions of education no longer have music and art classes available for students. government funding allows these programs to continue to be offered to the youth of our society. If these programs were not available many young aspiring artists would not have the opportunity to practice and learn. The integrity of the arts becomes less of a concern when faced with the reality of there being no arts at all.
Moreover, art is an integral part of the landscape of our towns and cities. art attracts tourists and brings beauty to our cities. murals and sculptures located in our metropolitan areas define the cities themselves. For example, the statue of liberty might be one of the most recognizable symbols of America. this statue brings in money and tourists of the city of New York. murals located even in smaller towns attracts citizens to it to take pictures there. government funding to produce this art could help to bring money, tourism, and beauty into an area,
In addition to this, many artists do not make money for their work during their lifetimes. Countless famous artists were not discovered until long after they had died. For example, Van Gogh received little money for his paintings and lived an incredibly humble life. In modern times he is considered one of the greatest artists who ever lived. there is no telling what modern artists might one day be considered the greatest artists of our generation. government funding of small artist will help them to create the art we as a society may one day value more than anything.
it could be argued that government funding could influence the art created and therefore does more harm than good. this argument fails to recognize that many artists throughout the centuries have had patrons and supporters who funded and influenced their work. many of the art work we idolize today was only created because of the money of a wealthy benefactor. Perhaps some influence by donors is a natural part of art.
In conclusion, government funding of art can help it to grow and flourish in our society. In keeps school programs alive, it helps create art in cities and supports small artists. The damage to integrity the opposition fear is nothing compared to the possible loss of art without the funding.
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Grammar and spelling errors:
Line 1, column 63, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Some is on the government funding of art. some people believe the funding is needed to...
Line 2, column 112, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Many
...ets are no longer able to support them. many public and private institutions of educ...
Line 2, column 223, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Government
...and art classes available for students. government funding allows these programs to contin...
Line 3, column 77, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Art
... the landscape of our towns and cities. art attracts tourists and brings beauty to ...
Line 3, column 132, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Murals
...urists and brings beauty to our cities. murals and sculptures located in our metropoli...
Line 3, column 311, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: This
...e most recognizable symbols of America. this statue brings in money and tourists of ...
Line 3, column 377, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Murals
...y and tourists of the city of New York. murals located even in smaller towns attracts ...
Line 3, column 462, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Government
... citizens to it to take pictures there. government funding to produce this art could help ...
Line 3, column 561, Rule ID: WHITESPACE_RULE
Message: Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace
Suggestion:, tourism, and beauty into an area, In addition to this, many artists do not...
Line 4, column 345, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: There
...of the greatest artists who ever lived. there is no telling what modern artists might...
Line 4, column 453, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Government
...the greatest artists of our generation. government funding of small artist will help them ...
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: It
...may one day value more than anything. it could be argued that government funding...
Line 5, column 116, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: This
...and therefore does more harm than good. this argument fails to recognize that many a...
Line 5, column 262, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START
Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
Suggestion: Many
...s who funded and influenced their work. many of the art work we idolize today was on...
Transition Words or Phrases used:
if, may, moreover, so, therefore, for example, in addition, in conclusion
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Performance on Part of Speech:
To be verbs : 19.0 19.5258426966 97% => OK
Auxiliary verbs: 9.0 12.4196629213 72% => OK
Conjunction : 14.0 14.8657303371 94% => OK
Relative clauses : 8.0 11.3162921348 71% => More relative clauses wanted.
Pronoun: 33.0 33.0505617978 100% => OK
Preposition: 64.0 58.6224719101 109% => OK
Nominalization: 16.0 12.9106741573 124% => OK
Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 2283.0 2235.4752809 102% => OK
No of words: 470.0 442.535393258 106% => OK
Chars per words: 4.85744680851 5.05705443957 96% => OK
Fourth root words length: 4.65612321451 4.55969084622 102% => OK
Word Length SD: 2.49071521669 2.79657885939 89% => OK
Unique words: 230.0 215.323595506 107% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.489361702128 0.4932671777 99% => OK
syllable_count: 711.0 704.065955056 101% => OK
avg_syllables_per_word: 1.5 1.59117977528 94% => OK
A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by:
Pronoun: 5.0 6.24550561798 80% => OK
Article: 4.0 4.99550561798 80% => OK
Subordination: 1.0 3.10617977528 32% => OK
Conjunction: 1.0 1.77640449438 56% => OK
Preposition: 6.0 4.38483146067 137% => OK
Performance on sentences:
How many sentences: 28.0 20.2370786517 138% => OK
Sentence length: 16.0 23.0359550562 69% => The Avg. Sentence Length is relatively short.
Sentence length SD: 27.4583868828 60.3974514979 45% => The essay contains lots of sentences with the similar length. More sentence varieties wanted.
Chars per sentence: 81.5357142857 118.986275619 69% => OK
Words per sentence: 16.7857142857 23.4991977007 71% => OK
Discourse Markers: 2.60714285714 5.21951772744 50% => More transition words/phrases wanted.
Paragraphs: 6.0 4.97078651685 121% => OK
Language errors: 14.0 7.80617977528 179% => OK
Sentences with positive sentiment : 14.0 10.2758426966 136% => OK
Sentences with negative sentiment : 7.0 5.13820224719 136% => OK
Sentences with neutral sentiment: 7.0 4.83258426966 145% => OK
What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?
Coherence and Cohesion:
Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.370427209852 0.243740707755 152% => OK
Sentence topic coherence: 0.108464522016 0.0831039109588 131% => OK
Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.0963077297412 0.0758088955206 127% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence: 0.215481172864 0.150359130593 143% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.112119141157 0.0667264976115 168% => OK
Essay readability:
automated_readability_index: 9.9 14.1392134831 70% => Automated_readability_index is low.
flesch_reading_ease: 63.7 48.8420337079 130% => OK
smog_index: 3.1 7.92365168539 39% => Smog_index is low.
flesch_kincaid_grade: 8.4 12.1743820225 69% => OK
coleman_liau_index: 10.61 12.1639044944 87% => OK
dale_chall_readability_score: 7.76 8.38706741573 93% => OK
difficult_words: 99.0 100.480337079 99% => OK
linsear_write_formula: 8.0 11.8971910112 67% => OK
gunning_fog: 8.4 11.2143820225 75% => OK
text_standard: 8.0 11.7820224719 68% => The average readability is low. Need to imporve the language.
What are above readability scores?
Rates: 50.0 out of 100
Scores by essay e-grader: 3.0 Out of 6
Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.